Lemonator! 3D printed juice squeezer of awesomeness

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No support required! Hooray! Model you see on the photos was printed with no support. Save your filament with my filament-friendly design! 

You can find more about it here: http://www.instructables.com/id/Lemonator-3D-prin... It is lemon squeezer that you can attach to a bottle and it will let you collect squeezed juice to the bottle without need to pour it from one container to another. Directly to the bottle!

Video of Lemonator printing:


Print was done with Ultimaker 2 printer by my friend Multimaker with Signal yellow Colorfabb filament. He used following settinngs:

0.8 mm nozzle, 0.2mm layer height, 1.6mm shell, 1mm bottom/top, 20% infill, 70mm/s.

Design Files

File Size

952 KB


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