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Simple mini water jet drive for 370 Himoto 1/18 Motor Shaft 4 mm, 25 mm impeller

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9.1 MB
949 KB
10.4 MB
2.77 MB
2.76 MB


does it work?
Reply8 years ago
Добрый день, Таня. Меня интересует тема водяного реактивного двигателя. Скажите, есть видео где вы показываете в действии Вашу модель? Можете ли Вы нарисовать другую модель, с учетом параметров места, где я планирую установить мотор?
Reply6 years ago
Mark Lense
This is a very interesting device and you have done a really great job of engineering to create such a device. We live in a big house and also think about water storage for irrigation and for the house. If you are interested in learning more, then read about Recycle Water because it describes in detail the pros and cons of such storage facilities and how to use them correctly.
Reply3 years ago
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Replyabout a year ago
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