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SPE3D.up started in 2016 by the passion and the desire to create. He wants to give everyone the opportunity to build and customize a Formula 1 car in 1:10 scale.
The use of technology of 3D printing opens the door to creativity of each of us, to learn how to develop a project from the initial concept up to the actual construction.
With SPE3D.up I want to share with you my experience hoping to arouse interest in inventing and implementing projects.
It is a fully funtional and 3D printable model. All the components are 3D printable except screws, bearing and tyres (there will be a 3D printable version soon).
For all the information about the progect and the updates visit my website or visit the project page at this link:
The manual is available at this link:
License The SPE3D.up project have a strict non-commercial, personal use only license. You shall not share, sub-license, sell, rent, host, transfer, or distribute in any way the digital or 3D printed versions of this object, nor any other derivative work of this object in its digital or physical format.