Prints (0)


This wall art is the perfect idea for home, living room, kitchen or office design in modern style.

The first 2 files to print it in a small scale . The other 6 files to print it in a large scale . you can adjust Z axis length as you want at slicer program , for me i set  z =10 mm . 

You just need adhesive strips .

I tried a lot of adhesive strips but they did not work and it falls so this one in the link is strong :



Print Settings : 0.15 mm speed , infill : 20% , Fill pattern : honeycomb Supports :none 

2 Filament colors : Brown , Gold

How to start creating 3D printable models ?

If you found this useful, please donate what you think it is worth to my Help cover the time of design. Thanks, Enjoy!

Design Files

File Size

Bird wall decoration.stl
299 KB
AutoSave_AutoSave_Bird wall decoration split into half Part4.stl
32.9 KB
AutoSave_Bird wall decoration split into half part 1.stl
62.6 KB
AutoSave_Bird wall decoration split into half PART 2.stl
63.6 KB
AutoSave_Bird wall decoration split into half Part 3.stl
67.9 KB
AutoSave_AutoSave_Bird wall decoration split into half Part 6.stl
52.6 KB
AutoSave_AutoSave_Bird wall decoration split into half Part 5.stl
65.1 KB
AutoSave_Bird wall decoration with holes.stl
302 KB


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