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As someone who has fallen down their basement stairs more than once, I can appreciate a small but ever-so-critical bit of illumination at night. I don't want to install a big, power-hungry flood-light and still have to remember to turn it on when I need it.

Enter the FlashFlood.

Do you have one of those 9-LED aluminum two-dollar flashlights from Harbor Freight or the dollar store? How about a spare three to five volt AC to DC adapter? Great! Print the four parts, pop the LEDs out of the casing, solder a wire to the terminals on the circuit, add some screws, nuts and bolts and viola!

The FlashFlood was designed to be somewhat water-resistant with a wire channel in the arm and can be articulated to a pretty broad arc of range.

Just be mindful of the polarity and rating of the supply so you don't burn through two flashlights...


Design Files

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702 KB
266 KB
193 KB
1.2 MB


This design was featured on Pinshape's Staff Picks, week of June 26th:
Reply10 years ago
Awesome!! Great up-cycling idea!!
Reply9 years ago
Hey, My name is Frankie Posillico and i am the Founder at Intigo 3D. I came across your portfolio and would like to discuss purchasing your designs and future opportunities with us. We created a patent pending solution to make sure designers earn every time their products are printed. We just deployed digital wallets for our blockchain product and currently looking for individuals such as yourself to help us follow our vision. The designs that we will pay token for are still your ownership and kept that way with our blockchain. Our consumer store will be geared towards accessories to manufactured products, i believe your portfolio falls into our Niche. Lets schedule some time to discuss your interest in our company. Frankie Posillico 516 225 5185
Reply6 years ago
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