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Flexible reptile to decorate your walls or refrigerator doors.

Flexible gecko to decorate your walls or refrigerator doors.

It may or may not have magnets.

Can be printed on different materials like PLA, ABS, PETG

Salamanquesa flexible para decorar sus paredes o puertas neveras.

Puede o no llevar imanes.

Puede ser impreso en distintos materiales como PLA, ABS, PETG

Design Files

File Size

pata Trasera izquierda.stl
3.5 MB
4.37 MB
5.05 MB
19.5 MB
pata delantera derecha.stl
3.62 MB
pata delantera izquierda.stl
3.62 MB
pata Trasera derecha.stl
3.51 MB


Daniel Hernandez
Hello everyone, I would like if you want that if you have printed it, you would take a photograph and upload it or tell me how the impression was. It is only to improve in case of any problem. Thanks.
Reply4 years ago
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