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I tried to create a pair of sandals for incidental use at home and at the beach for example.

A pair consists of one type of sole and strap. The soles are identical and will not be smooth at the bottom to improve the grip and it also has a curve at the top to roughly follow the shape of a foot. The straps are higher on one side than the other side to roughly follow the shape of a foot. The left strap is placed on the opposite relative to the right strap.

Disclaimer: usage of any models from 3DParts4U will be at your own risk.

Don't use this pair of sandals as a replacement for your shoes (incidental use only). Wearing them with socks on is recommended.

My print settings in Simplify3D:

black PolyFLEX | hotend 220°C | bed 40°C | 250 micron | infill 40% | 4 top layers | 4 bottom layers | 2 outline layers fan 100% | nozzle 0.35mm | extrusion width 0.40mm | retraction off | extrusion multiplier 1.20 | coasting distance 2.00mm

Print settings:

- 250 micron - 40% infill - 3400 mm per minute - no support

Design Files

File Size

32.2 KB
34.7 KB
194 KB
12.5 KB


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