Gaming Grip for Smartphones

Prints (0)


Hi, Im a part time designer for SOLID Maker 3D and this is my gaming grip/Joystick for smartphones.  Im also a gamer, so after a few hours of playing PUGB on the phone i realize the need of a more enjoyable way to play. Thats where this gaming grip born to accomplish that need and play more comfortable and for more hours. I have been working on this project for some time, and after a lot of tests im proud to release this final version.


Support almost all devices (Min 138mm Max 160mm)   

Made entire with a 3D printer (PLA-ABS)

Easy to print and build

Ergonomic design and integration with the trigger buttons



 How it works  

The two sides of the joystick are connected in the center with two gears. One of them has attached a spiral spring that makes pressure to the inside and hold your phone.  The trigger buttons, Each of them has three parts the clip the lever and aluminum duct tape.  The aluminum transmit the change of capacitance from your finger tips to your phone's screen, working like a real button.

3D Printer Settings

Layer Height (0.2mm)

Shell Thickness (1.6mm)

Fill Density 20% Main joystick body 100% Small pieces (Trigger buttons, Gears, Spring)

Print Speed (50mm/s - 70mm/s)

Nozzle Temp (200°C - For PLA Filament)

Heat Bed Temp (50°C)

Support Type (Where its needed)

Platform Adhesion Type (None)

Feel free to ask any question

Design Files

File Size

787 KB
LEFT 1.stl
1.06 MB
190 KB
684 Bytes
289 KB
207 KB
207 KB
1.01 MB
318 KB
LEFT 1-1.stl
2.23 MB
RIGHT 1.stl
1.05 MB
236 KB
RIGHT 1-1.stl
2.24 MB
GEAR 1.stl
351 KB


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