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This a work in progress. I am experimenting with different settings and text to get the best lettering. This is the first design I have made for a business card. Overall I think the design itself looks great (aside from letters and numbers). Comments and input are appreciated! If you have experience making small text look good please let me know! UPDATE 3/19/15: I made a silver version with an extrude subtract by .6mm. The total thickness is 1mm. You can see that the Redbird logo is subtracted all the way through. I also increased the text size quite a bit. UPDATE 3/25/15: I was able to get red text on top with a nice transition. I added a square off the the side so I could change the filament while it was filling the box. The last picture shows the current version. The top has the transparent red while the bottom has the opaque red. (the top is version 4 and bottom is version 5)