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Summary Bonjour, Voici un nano racer de 95mm prévus pour la config suivante. Furious FPV Piko BLX Furious FPV innova VTX 2035-4 Propellers Micro RX FRsky Camera Diatone 600tvl cmos ESC 6A 12A Moteur 1103~1105 Nécessite 3 entretoise nylon 16MM m3 Châssis disponible sur Armattan production English version Good morning, Here is a planned 95mm nano racer for the next config. Furious FPV Piko BLXHttp:// Furious FPV innova VTXHttp:// 2035-4 PropellersHttp:// Micro RX FRskyHttp:// Camera Diatone 600tvl cmosHttp:// ESC 6A 12A Brushless motor 1103 ~ 1105 Spacer nylon 16mm M3 Chassis available on Armattan productionHttps:// Print Settings Printer Brand: FlashForge Printer: FlashForge Creator Pro Rafts: No Supports: Yes Resolution: 0.1 Infill: 30 Notes: Nylon taulman 645 or TPU sainsmart