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Summary I liked the idea of a tool holder to hang on the side of my Qidi X-one2. I found one for the original X-one, but it doesn't fit. I took the inspiration from that project to start this one from scratch. It has the same basic design, but the measurements for the X-one2 to include the added plexiglass panels on the sides. I only have one done and will work on the other if this works. I'll keep this updated on the progress. So far, so good. This was made in TinkerCAD as my first project. I printed this, myself, without supports and rafts while laying on its side, but depending on your printer settings will determine how that works out. Print Settings Printer: Qidi X-one2 Rafts: No Supports: No Resolution: 0.2mm Infill: 15% Notes: UPDATE 4/12 @ 2pm: Finally got around to printing the Version 2, and it works and fits great. I am going to remove the little slot I made, just b/c it makes the brace weaker. In Version 3, I'm adding a place on the side to place the tool with a 2mm wide slot. UPDATE 4/11 @ 9pm: Version 2 is uploaded, front and back for both sides. Print each twice if you want the tool holder on both sides. I haven't printed either one as of yet, but I'm hopeful. Will update with pictures of completed products when I can. UPDATE 4/10 @ 8am: I can verify that it fits, although there is about 13mm of distance between the part that holds the tools and the printer. I'll fix this in the 2nd version. But, it does fit nice and snug, and it shouldn't be a problem.
Custom Section Notes Note 1 (version 1): The two slot box will not print on the Xone-2, as it's a little too big. I might try to make a usable version that will print on it when I have the time. So, use the single slot one for now. Note 2: The version 2 of the dual holder will fit on the X-one2 printer bed. I haven't printed it out yet, so I'm unsure if it'll fit as well as the version 1 single slot holder. Note 3: I added a small insert for the tool to scrape off your printed item from the bed. It's on both, so you can put it wherever and add more to your collection. If you need it to be slightly bigger, just let me know. Note 4: Project is done and measurements are good to go. I printed the left front and have it hanging on my printer, as you see in the pic. It also fits great on the right back side. I'm currently printing the V3 of the left back one.