Pattern 1796 Cavalry Saber (1:18 scale)

Prints (0)


It's dangerous to go alone! Make sure your figures have the benefit of cold steel on all their adventures with this pattern 1796 cavalry saber.

I've found that, depending on the hand shape of a given figure, the sword can be either a little loose or a little tight. For loose hands, try wedging the fingers of the figure into the hand guard. For tighter-fitting hands, you might want to just remove the hand guard alltogether (this makes it more similar to a Polish saber, rather than the 1796 pattern, but I doubt your figures will mind). See the third photo for an example.

Since the swords print really quickly (about one minute each), I've also included a file with eight of them plated and ready for your antique weapons-running needs.

How I Designed This

This was done pretty much start-to-finish in Blender. I brought in a reference image for the saber, and created two planes- one for the handle and one for the blade, each in the shape of the corresponding parts of the sword. A few extrusions, some editing, and a boolean union finished it off.

To make sure I got the scale right, I brought it into OpenSCAD and played with the scaling factor until it just fit within a box of the appropriate size (based on actual measurements and 1/18 scale).

Design Files

File Size

158 KB
332 KB


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