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Summary This has been modified from the original ( to address several issues I had: My extruder nozzles are Stainless Steel and are several mm longer than the originals from E3D. So the fan was actually blowing on the heater block, and not the layer. I have moved the tip down 5 degrees to actually blow on the layer. The slots on the original are not in the correct position; even when filed, the belt scrapes against it. Also, I think the belt occasionally hangs on it, causing X-Y failures in print. To get rid of this problem altogether and make it easier to install, I replaced the slots with a semi-circular indentation. This also directed ALL of the fan flow out of the nozzle with no loss. The holes are for a 50mm fan; I wanted to use the original 40mm, 5v fans from the DaVinci so I could control it with Repetier .92. So I moved the hole slots to install 40mm fan (NOTE: These holes were just 'eye-balled', some drilling/aligning screws may be necessary). The entire setup was about 5% too large to fit in my DaVinci housing. I reduced it so the block that holds it in is the correct size: 19mmx35mm. This isn't pretty (modified in mesh lab), but it now works in my DaVinci 1.0A; feel free to drop me a comment! Be sure to "Like" my Facebook page at to subscribe to my current prints/blogs, and see my Etsy page at for baby fetal scans, skulls, and other items to own. Print Settings Printer: DaVinci, Modified Duo with E3D V6 Rafts: No Supports: Yes Resolution: .2mm Infill: 30% Notes: Prints support on the inside; to make it easier to remove, I spaced them out about 20% and applied cooling fan 50%