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Summary This is a mirror holder for optical experiments. This component is part of the Open-source optics project, whose goal is to radically reduce the cost of scientific optical hardware: by the [Michigan Tech's Open Sustainability Technology Research Group]( For similar see the Open-Source Lab How to Build Your Own Hardware and Reduce Research Costs Instructions Use the OpenSCAD files to customize it for your application, print on your favorite open source 3-D printer and enjoy. The mirror mount consists of three components: the metal rod, the plastic base, and the mirror holder. The mirror holder is not open source and is a commercial kinematic mirror mount from Thor Labs, the KM100 (We will work on an open source version later). This open-source mirror holder is designed to hold the mirror on a smooth 8mm diameter rod. If you need the base go to Full information here: For a completely open-source mirror mount see Thanks to Xin and Nick for designs. This component is part of the Open-source Optics Library: Zhang C, Anzalone NC, Faria RP, Pearce JM (2013) Open-Source 3D-Printable Optics Equipment. PLoS ONE 8(3): e59840. This is part of a larger project to reduce the cost of scientific equipment using open-source hardware. Read more here