NEMA 23 Planetary gearbox reducer, 1:3.333 ratio

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Summary NEMA 23 compatible planetary gearbox reducer. It has a reduction ratio of 1:3.333; Ring teeth: 63 Sun teeth: 27 Planet teeth: 18 In addition to included files you will need an M8 bolt, M8 nut, and 22mm OD/8mm ID/7mm TH bearing, along with a NEMA23 motor. Lubrication is essential - you should not run the gears dry or the planets will bind to the carrier. Apply a lot of lubricant grease. Print Settings Printer: Geeetech i3 (modified) Rafts: No Supports: No Infill:

=10% Notes: Infill density over 10% works good enough, you can go higher if you want a sturdier result.

Design Files

File Size

4.86 MB
7.19 MB
10.9 MB
22.1 MB
6.88 MB
3.48 MB


Hi Erik, I am a hacker maker and am building a small boat (plywood stich and glue) and would like to put a 200 W electric motor inboard on it. It is recommended that motors to propellors go through a 3:1 speed reduction and it would be swell if I could make my own gearbox from ABS, PLA or nylon. Do you think a planetary gear box like yours is a viable solution if I scaled it up a bit? Or perhaps I will be doomed to failure. I am also considering printing some notched pulleys and using a belt, and then putting that in a box. Thoughts?
Reply8 years ago
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