Zonestar LCD relocation Box

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Summary Hello again, This is a LCD relocation for the zonestar P802NR2. My printer is up to high to make the controls easy to use. There were several on Thingiverse but the button holes were to far from the edge of the LCD screen. Check your spacing before printing and wasting filament like I did. My LCD is 5 mm from the first button. I hope this fills a need. It was designed in 123Design. I did not put screw holes to secure the screen as you can use double stick tape or small screws. I used screws and used a small drill bit to make a hole. With the infill being so light don't tighten the screws to tight. B-p The Box back is a tight fit so it shouldn't need anything to hold it. But it is hard to open. Print Settings Printer: Dremel 3D20 Rafts: No Supports: No Resolution: .3 Infill: 15

Design Files

File Size

158 KB


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