LED Ring Light

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Read the full guide on: https://learn.adafruit.com/camera-ring-led-light/overview

This 3D printed lighting rig is a great DIY build for your photo and video projects.

It uses an Adafruit Trinket and NeoPixel LEDs. It’s also portable and battery powered or you can plug it into the wall.

In a previous project, we made a ring light for DSLR camera using a 60 NeoPixel ring.

This new version uses RGBW type NeoPixels which produces much better lighting.

White light from RGB type NeoPixels produces a reddish hue on skin tones and gives an unnatural color temperature.

RGBW type of NeoPixels provide dedicated white light which produces much better color temperature.

Combining RGB colors together creates a white light but this just doesn’t look too good on camera.

Your phone snaps onto the 3D printed bumper, making a great lighting solution for your front facing camera.

Design Files

File Size

76.8 KB
404 KB
89.1 KB
54.8 KB


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