PC Fan Pressure Boost Adapter 40x40x10mm

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Hi, the site stop to work as a shop, if you are interest, you can find the model here: CGTrader Shop https://www.cgtrader.com/sgabo...

Optimize for 0.4 nozzle, 2 perimeters set, 15-20% infill, support touching bed

New design for slim version of same idea to boost static pressure for PC fan. Same performance, see the new pressure test in this video.

  You can see how it work on this  other video 

This adapter need a fan with good speed to function properly.

Check me out at:

Youtube https://www.youtube.com/SgaboL... Blogger  http://www.sgabolab.com/ Google+ https://plus.google.com/+Sgabo... Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sgab...

Design Files

File Size

266 KB


For under HALF the price you can buy a 50mm fan and get TWICE the pressure/ airflow.
Reply8 years ago
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