3D Buggy Monster truck

Prints (-2)


Buggy Monster truck . The spring and the hinge are design both in one part.

The only part that require supports is the main body of the truck, you can use the part: “body with support” that already have supports or you can add your own supports to the part: “body no support”.

Don’t add support to the part “chassis”

Design Files

File Size

542 KB
187 KB
4.31 MB
main body without support.stl
1.32 MB
326 KB
main body with support.stl
6.44 MB


The Mad Makery
Thanks for designing this and also for the inexpensive price! I printed it at 200% scale and added a couple of aesthetic changes. Prints like a dream, very solid model and so far it's durable at 10% infill... It's being tested by a 2 and a 4 year old putting their full weight on it and it's been a week so far lol 10/10
Reply7 years ago
thanks Mad Makery, your print and changes turn up super cool, cheers!
Reply7 years ago
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