Ray Gun Lenses :)

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Ummm... Okay?  He wants to build a Ray Gun?  And he thinks he can!?  Giggle Giggle...  

Sure you have the right to think that!  I'm just calling this project "Ray Gun Lenses" because I feel the design is a step in the right direction for such a thing.  With this implementation I'll be happy just to illustrate the concept and maybe make a bright flashlight into a smaller beam or even the same size beam that is stable across the room.  

How does it work?  Well I can explain all that in detail upon request, just for now I am posting the files for future reference.  Included is the test fixture and the lens.  Download them now if you want a copy because someone is in my passwords and despite my repeated attempts to change them, things keep getting deleted.  It's spooky.  Maybe it's the Illuminati (get it - Illuminate / Illuminati)...  Can have too much fun with this I see... 


Design Files

File Size

Wine Glass Lens 2016_1125_1106 Lens 1.stl
3.02 MB
Wine Glass Lens 2016_1125_1106 Fixture.stl
70.9 KB


Ray gun lenses play a pivotal role in the world of science fiction, where futuristic weaponry and advanced technology collide. Here you can get oakley replacement lenses and learn more new things about the best lens. These intricate optical components are often depicted as the heart of powerful energy weapons, channeling and focusing destructive beams of light or particles. While purely speculative in nature, these fictional lenses capture our imaginations with their potential to reshape the battlefield of the future, blending cutting-edge science with the fantastical realms of the unknown.
Reply2 years ago
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