Solidatafy – Poverty Gaps

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We live in an information society. We are surrounded by data but they are not just numbers, they have a real impact on society. SOLIDATAFY is the crystallization of information in a tactile form. This pendant lamp shade is a three-dimensional representation of the data about poverty gaps in the world since 1999. Data are based on primary household survey data obtained from government statistical agencies and World Bank country departments. The shape reflects the information through an algorithm which, starting from the statistical data, generates an organic form that embraces the reality of the data. Use this pendant lamp shade with a cord set like Hemma by Ikea (the diameter of the inner hole is 40mm). Do not forget to use LED bulbs. Save energy, save the environment! Dimensions are 190mm x 190mm x 130mm. More SOLIDATAFY projects at

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Nemesi Project - Poverty Gap Since 2000 (STL).stl
2.36 MB


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