Fluid Flower Vase / Fluid Flower Pot

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Summary Fluid Flower Vase Activate Corkscrew-Mode/Vase-Mode in your slicer (Cura, Simplify etc.)! 3-4 bottom layers, .3mm layer height, 0% infill and no top-layers :) Have fun :)

Design Files

File Size

52.8 MB


This Vase comes from Prusa Research. It isn't your own design. Am I right? I found it on the Prusa website. I am printing it at the moment and I found out that there is a Prusa label on the side.
Reply8 years ago
This flower's beauty is truly captivating! It's tempting to use it as the backdrop for my website's blog post which is https://expaty.com/beauty-center-milan/.
Reply2 years ago
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