Blinkini (LCD Shutter Top)

Prints (0)


Summary This is a top I made out of LCD shutter glass for the Shenzhen Maker Faire. There is a "Safe For Work" version of the build video attached. This gallery has more details on the build process: but is NSFW-ish (but no nudity). I'll be cleaning this up in the next week or so, but this should get anyone interested in playing around with LCD shutter glass started. The download files include a BOM, Fritzing diagrams and Arduino sketches. Print Settings Printer: FlashForge Creator Pro Rafts: Yes Supports: Yes Resolution: .2mm Infill: 50-100% Notes: Printed in eSun ABS. Because it goes around your chest breathing can put quite a strain on the plastic parts- and if they crack, glass edges could be exposed. So print strong and test break the prints to make sure they are strong. Custom Section

Design Files

File Size

132 KB
131 KB
573 Bytes
276 KB
116 KB
198 KB


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