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This 3D-printed hand orthosis is modeled from a traditional metal device that is commonly prescribed for people who lack mobility in their fingers but are able to move their wrists. By extending and flexing their wrist, users are able to close and open their hand, respectively, in a pinching grasp. This allows them to pick up different objects and perform activities of daily living.
Over the last two year, this 3D-printed orthosis has been tested with Prosthetics & Orthotics students and individuals with spinal cord injury. The design and fabrication methods have been improved through constant iterations with the feedback received from both testing groups.
Each WDO component comes in a range of sizes (from XS to XL) for improved fit. The STLs for each components can be found here. For a more precise customization of individual parts, please download the SolidWorks files here.
You can watch the video of the device in use here.
You can access the instruction manual for the right-hand and left-hand WDOs on Google Drive. For those downloading STL files, disregard pages 5-10 (will be used for more precise size customization once CAD files are posted online).
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Hope you enjoy the design!