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A design that will ease people reach for diferent things. To assembly you need something elastic and string. It can be extended as long as the user wants by printing "Frame 2".
I recommend printing with PLA with at least 3 top/bottom layer and with a shell thickness of 1.2mm.
Design Files
File Size
Claw 3.stl
98.1 KB
Frame 4.stl
27.2 KB
Claw 2.stl
84.7 KB
Puller 2.stl
53.4 KB
Frame 3.stl
11.8 KB
Frame 1.stl
16.7 KB
268 KB
Claw 1.stl
82.3 KB
Frame 2.stl
1.64 KB
18.1 KB
24.7 KB