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SummarySeeing all the nespresso dispensers on here, I decided to take it a step further. Inspired by the authentic pod holders as seen on the Nespresso website (otherwise, the two that are on this page for those who aren't members yet), what I have done is got my handy dandy Vernier Calipers, measured the pod, measured the sleeve and even tested the angle. To use this, tear the top swinging lid bit off the container, put it in with the longer end facing the back. This will hold the sleeve and allow the pods to empty, as there is a slight groove for the box as it is about 1-1.5mm wider than the pods themselves in order for them to move. This will hold ~5 pods plus a full sleeve. The best bit is, you can print this in whatever colour you want! Or even just paint inside the recessed Nespresso text, to match the colour of the pods. Has been made with interlocking little nubs, so when you print don't forget about them! They will allow you to lock a heap together!