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Lots of tiny snowflakes for some kind of winter/holiday use. The snowflake designs are from a vector-graphics snowflake patterns file on Zezu ( For step-by-step instructions on an easy way to turn a picture into something 3D printable, see (days 70 and 71).

These are also remixed as thicker, hangable ornaments at

SNOWFLAKE UPDATE 2014: Now you can Customize your own unique snowflake by making a sketch that "unfolds" into a design, just like when you make paper snowflakes, at

SNOWFLAKE UPDATE 2015: This year you can create algorithmically-grown snowflakes from a random seed and use sliding parameters to control the style and form of the design of the snowflakes, at with .3mm layer height makes these one layer thick, which makes printing very fast (about 3 minutes per snowflake).



Hacktastic blog:

Shapeways geekhaus store: 

This design and all associated pictures and files are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license. If you want to use designs, images, or files outside of the terms of this license, please email

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