Prints (2)
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This simple bracelet prints as a flat string of hexagons in less than 12 minutes. Boil some water while you're waiting and then heat and bend the print into a bracelet that custom-fits your wrist!
Sizes from XS to XL are included; each differs only by the number of hexagons in the model.
The idea for designing a bracelet that you heat and bend after printing was inspired by the bracer instructions in Gyrobot's fantastic Flexy-Finger Prothesis model.
It only takes a minute to shape the bracelet after printing:
Add very hot water to a container and then submerge the bracelet strip.
Poke the strip a bit with a fork and you'll find that it is very flexible and soft after just a couple of seconds.
Pull the strip out with the fork and immediately form it into a rough curve. (The water will be hot but the bracelet cools very quickly.)
To refine the shape, dip parts of the bracelet back into the hot water and then bend them into shape.
Hacktastic blog:
Shapeways geekhaus store:
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