Hinged Triangle-Square

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This object prints in one piece without raft or support, fully assembled, hinges and all! The resulting model will hinge from a square to a triangle and back again.

The model is based on Dudeney's famous hinged dissection known as the "Haberdasher's Puzzle". For more information, see MakerHome.blogspot.com, Day 188.


Instructions:  Be sure to print with no raft and no support or the model will not work correctly. After printing you need to give the hinges a little "snap" to get them started. 

This model is optimized for printing on a Replicator 2 with .3mm/low resolution. 


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Hacktastic blog:  www.mathgrrl.com/hacktastic

Shapeways geekhaus store:  www.shapeways.com/shops/mathgr... 

This design and all associated pictures and files are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license. If you want to use designs, images, or files outside of the terms of this license, please email [email protected].

Design Files

File Size

282 KB


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