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Moving to new digs this summer? 3D-print some models of your furniture to plan out your space! It's much more fun than Actually Packing Things. In the Customizer you can design custom bookcases, sofas, beds, tables, desks, chairs, and more with your own dimensions and scaling, or choose from a library of stock furniture that includes standard bed sizes and IKEA bookcases. MakerHome, Day 262:
All models are designed and oriented to print without support or rafts. 1:50 scale seems to work well. To make 2D-prints of your rooms at a matching scale, measure the rooms and then divide all measurements by 50. Use a graphics program or a ruler to map out your space at the 1:50 scale and then arrange the 3D-printed furniture inside.
Hacktastic blog:
Shapeways geekhaus store:
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