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----- Summary -----
The LED Bracket helps shine light onto your extruder, making it easier to see the filament as it extrudes. Ideally, the bracket swivels, giving you light source flexibility to move for better angles for taking pictures. This LED Bracket is not compatible with "print one at a time" settings.
----- Print Settings -----
Printer Brand: Printrbot
Printer: Simple Black
Rafts: Yes
Supports: No
----- How I Designed This -----
I used a small LED Strip with double sided tape to attach it to the curved bracket. The bracket is held by a clip which fits onto the metal sensor as seen on the picture. I used a M3 bolt to hold it all together. The light shines onto the hotend, making it easier to see the filament being extruded. It is not ideally made for fan shrouds that cover the entire hotend but I haven't tried it yet. I got this idea from this link here: and modified it to suit my astheitic needs. Extra Materials Here are the materials that I used to pull this off: LED Strips DC adapter M3 Bolt and nut sandpaper (100 grit works fine)
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