Youtube Logo por partes

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SummaryBueno aqui os presento este logo de Youtube que se puede montar y es dual extruction. Inspirado en este trabajo. English: Well here I present this logo Youtube mountable and is dual extruction. Inspired by this work. os he puesto en cada archivo el color que tiene que ir cuando se extruya. youtube_logo_mount_part1_blanco-White esta seria la parte que dice YOU que ira en blanco. youtube_logo_mount_part2_Rojo-Red Esta es la parte 2 que ira en rojo y que pone Tube con un vaciado para la partes 3 que ira pegada encima. *youtube_logo_mount_part3_Blanco-White Y aqui esta la parte final que dice tambien tube pero es la que se encaja en la parte 2. Os he puesto unas imagenes que como tiene que quedar todo montado. Espro que os guste y que todo este bien. ENGLISH: Well I have set the color in each file that needs to go when extruded. youtube_logo_mount_part1_blanco-White this would be the part that says YOU that anger on white. youtube_logo_mount_part2_Rojo-Red This is part 2 that anger Tube red and putting a drain for portions 3 stuck up anger. youtube_logo_mount_part3_Blanco-White And here is the final part that tube but it also says that it fits in Part 2. I have some pictures to post as everything has to be mounted. Espro you like it and all is well.

Design Files

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61.5 KB
23.4 KB
21 KB
17.5 KB


Dmitri Starikovski
Wow, breaking down the YouTube logo like this is so creative! It’s amazing how something so simple can have so much thought behind it. If you’re looking to grow your channel and get more attention to videos with such cool content, I’d recommend checking out buy youtube views from GoreAd . It’s a great way to give your channel a boost and reach a bigger audience. Keep up the awesome work!
Reply4 months ago
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