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SummaryI have a great little trailer that I use to haul everything. The problem is that the eyelets on the tarps don't line up with the tie-downs on the trailer to allow the tarp to pull tight and/or straight. Here is the solution I came up with: The small hole is the bungee hook hole. The 'disco ball' gets wrapped in the tarp, then pushed through the large hole and pulled through far. The tarp is then slid along the keyhole section and pulled tight, the disco ball then disallows the tarp from pulling through and allows you to attach the bungee at any point on the tarp. If you put the disco ball on the inside of the tarp. it allows the bungee to also hold the tarp ends down a little thereby reducing some of the flapping in the wind. This is not designed to be used on the same spot on the trap over and over. If you have the tarp on the trailer or load for a long time, make sure you check the wear on the tarp and/or move locations on the tarp to make sure you don't rip through. (The hole in the disco ball is to allow you to tie it to a location on the trailer so you know where it is at any time.) I'll have pics of how I have mine set up soon.Post-PrintingAdded a few pics of the printed clips. (I like the word clips) I hope they are enough to let you know how this works. I just realized that the bungee hook hole is too small for the new plastic bungee hooks. I'll get a new version up this evening.4 clips with enlarged bungee holes and lanyard holes.These are the updated versions I said I'd make weeks ago. The holes for the bungees are much larger to work with the newer plastic bungees, and there are holes to allow you to tether the disco balls to the actual clip so they stay with each other in storage. I'd recommend a lanyard about 2' long to allow them to be clipped a foot in from the tarp's edge if you need. Updated againThis version has the larger bungee hole but also has tapered sides to allow the lanyard to wrap around for when it is in storage. Will post pics when I print them.