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Summary Update 10/20/2014: I uploaded a new STL for the head. I think it was missing. I'm in the process of double checking this whole figure and updating him. Look for an new version in a few days.... Update 4/19/2014: I enlarged the hip connection .5mm. This should tighten up the hip joint. Update 4/4/2014: I just realized I had the wrong torso file in here. I've fixed it. The arms and hips should fit 10 times better now. Thanks. This is the latest version of my open source figures. I've deleted the older versions to alleviate any confusion. Plus, this guy blows them away... This dude is a "game changer". His joints are bomb-proof solid and a world of difference better than the last version. They actually have a split built in for flexibility and are covered for aesthetics. This model can easily be tweaked to work with PLA or ABS. This latest version is optimized for ABS but can work with most materials. Print as is - then sand the ball joints down if they are too tight. OPEN SOURCE - The way this model excels as "open source" is that the joints are simply 4mm ball sockets. This enables you to make your own accessories or tweaks. Also the hands are 3.5mm holes so anything with a round peg about 3.4~3.5mm in diameter will fit in his hands securely. All the accessories from my previous models should work with this new figure as well. Please comment and let me know how it prints on your various machines. InstructionsPrint the Hip Joint at 100% fill - Great suggestion from one of the Makers. I print everything else at 10% with walls of 4. I also print with support material, hence why the torso is upside down. The inside joint on the torso prints best upside down.