ZYYX Business Card Holder - Multi Material Print

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SummaryOne of our models to showcase the new concept of Multi Material Printing by ZYYX 3D Printer and Simplify3D! Here we made a simple businesses card holder but designing it with our logotype in the base. With the Multi Material Printing we can now take our printing to the next level! Read the instructions first before attempting to print this model. //ZYYX TeamPrint SettingsRafts: NoSupports: NoNotes: This model has been printed with the Multi Material Printing technique. The ZYYX Cardholder was divided into four parts. This model contains color changes in the middle of the print. To avoid the print head hitting the arms while printing the logo parts the body part was divided in two, arms and base. The printer will then print the arms after the logo parts are printed. For more information on how to use the Multi Material Printing technique, check out the video tutorial below or our website: http://www.zyyx3dprinter.com/print-unlimited-colors-and-unlimited-materials-with-your-zyyx-3d-printer/Multi Material Printing- ZYYX 3D Printer & Simplify 3D Tutorial

Design Files

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61 KB
16.9 KB
383 KB
24.9 KB


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