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SummaryWhat is this?? A center for ANTS??!! At the Derek Zoolander Center For Children Who Can't Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too, we teach you that there's more to life than being really, really ridiculously good-looking. You can have your own center for ants right in your very own home. Hand modeled forced perspective. The words on the marquee are left off for you to add yourself, they do not print well due to the size(especially if you have to scale to fit your bed) The left side of the book on top of the building is the only place that needs support.How I Designed ThisI built the model as a regular building to begin with. In the perspective window, I changed the camera to around 20mm to get a touch more fish eye. After I was happy with the angle, I took a screen shot. I brought the image in as a background map after that. I wanted the perspective model a 1/2" deep maximum(its going to be added to a shadowbox to make an ant farm) so I scaled pieces in the y coordinate. For some of the pieces I was able to run a taper on them to rough them in. Most pieces I moved the vertexes around and booleaned the mesh. This model was a lot of trial and error to make, I wish there was a bas relief button.