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Summary Filled in the House Ratta Sling Trike with a driver. Xaot's Fire, as they are known, are reckless and will gleefully fling their sling trikes into hordes of oncoming enemy foot-sloggers all the while having the trigger fully depressed. I'm using it to test vehicle rules in Wayfarer Tactics. We've set up a Patreon page for anyone who's interested to help fund us so we can keep making free and open sourced games like Wayfarer Tactics. Check it out here. Thanks for looking! Print Settings Printer Brand: MakerBotPrinter: MakerBot ReplicatorRafts: NoSupports: NoResolution: .1Infill: 15% Notes: I printed it split. Oh!, there's some built in support on the standing model when printed split. It can be kind of tricky to cut off, but not too bad.