Bird Feeder for PET Bottle, Bird House

Prints (2)


Birdhouses made from used plastic bottles, with funnel.

new for bottle threads with 28mm and 38mm diameter

more stable than the old version

never blocked again

Design Files

File Size

PET Vogelhaus mit Dächli V4 G28.stl
1.28 MB
PET Vogelhaus Abfülltrichter G38.stl
99.1 KB
PET Vogelhaus Abfülltrichter G28.stl
113 KB
PET Vogelhaus mit Dächli V4 G38.stl
1.3 MB


Reply6 years ago
What scale is this? I imported it into Prusa Slice in mm and its 16.15mm diameter and 20.31mm tall, a bit small I think
Reply5 years ago
I too would like to know what to scale this up to. current scale is way to small. What should it be in order to fit the bottles?
Reply5 years ago
It needs higher rim. All grain fell to the ground after few days of moderate wind.
Reply4 years ago
Hi¨Thanks!What scale it is? Please inform me, or all here... thanks a lot for your design!
Reply3 years ago
I experimented with the G28 model; expand it x10 and it'll fit perfectly!
Reply8 months ago
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