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Summary Prior to earlier design, I had received excellent recommendations to enhance the spool holder on holding 1KG weight for better angle adjustments in countering sag weight for any people who prefer flexibility to tilt. Height blocker has been increased and the grip underneath has been widened to allow even increased spacing. You may add friction tabs at the rounded legs in accordance to your choices. If you like the design and you would like to donate as an appreciation, you can paypal any amount to [email protected] for supporting my continual research test materials. Hope you all like it! Print Settings Printer Brand: RepRapPrinter: Mini Fabrikator Turnigy TinyBoyRafts: Doesn't MatterSupports: YesResolution: 0.2mmInfill: 25% Notes: Cura Further Settings:- Print Speed: 40mm/s Outer Perimeter Speed: 22mm/s ETC: 3hrs 46mins 27s Material: PLA ESUN 1.75mm Filament Length: 10657mm Temperature: 215deg Software: Repetier Host V1.5.6