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Summary This is the second 20 tiles that I created to make Tudor Buildings for my Tudor village that is 00 scale ( 4mm to the foot, 1:76.2) model railways. Can be also used for HO scale, British themed but could be used elsewhere. The cover photo is of more buildings that are made using these tiles, as mentioned in other things I will upload all the printed parts to make these buildings, plus I will put together some pictures to make some other buildings I have already built. But it is best to use your own imagination to come up with your own designs. The Cover photo is one of 14 models that I made up as a small diorama that I gave to my family and friends for Xmas 2014, So they fantastic display items not just for model railways or wargamming. So even the rest of the family would be impressed by these models There are about 100 tiles in the set so far I will upload in lots of 20 tiles. I have divided plastic containers that contain my tiles and I just pick them out and glue them together in the design I want, It's a bit like Lego. If you have any questions about anything I have uploaded please ask questions. If you have a request for something I shall see what I can do, no promises though on that one. Don't forget to check my other things relating to model making. Print Settings Rafts: Doesn't MatterSupports: Doesn't MatterResolution: 0.1mm to 0.2mm Notes: With the Tudor tiles the largest nozzle i would recommend is a 0.4 I personally use a 0.2mm nozzle for my printing of these Tudor Tiles but have printed them with a 0.4 nozzle on my other printer. The window frame insert with TT-528-529-530-TV I would recommend using supports I print these using a 0.2mm nozzle I have not tried with a larger nozzle