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Summary This is my entry for the Develop3D robot design contest. I've been wanting to make a modular robot for some time now, and I figured this was as good a way as any to start! With the pins, he should snap together without any glue, and the ball joints should function a bit. So, here's the link to my TinkerCAD model: I'd like to put it out there for all of you Thingiversers to add parts for Modulo should the inspiration take you. Post up anything you make and if it fits him, I'll add the stl to his downloads. Drill arm? Jet pack? Crawler legs? More poseable bits? Any takers? -Arian Instructions 3/20/13 - First Test Print: Printed Modulo at a .10 layer height with 10% infill. Pretty happy with the results, though he took a while to print (about 5.5 hours). I'll go in and make the pin holes a bit shallower and maybe increase the pin size a tiny bit. Ball joints on the shoulders work better than the waist, so I may modify that.