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Summary The Wayfarer Random Alien Generator is LIVE! The following alien was generated with a click of a button... and then I made a model. If you play Wayfarer: Things Beyond Wonder, this is a pretty invaluable tool for coming up with aliens to populate your hub-worlds and intergalactic saloons and what have you. GORGAN The gorgan, a sapient species living on the third planet of the Calidraxi System, have adapted to the harsh, subpolar environment they inhabit, sporting a thick layer of insulation beneath their leathery skin along with a tough, honeycombed carapace that assists in defense against the elements and would-be predators. Walking upright on two reticulated legs, the gorgan rely on their massive size and eight clawed tentacles to crush and rend their prey. Ten further tentacles may extend from orifices in a rotund sac suspended from the abdomen which are used as manipulators and aid in climbing the steep cliff sides endemic to the region. The gorgan societal structure is divided into feudal clans where the largest and strongest rule by force. Beta gorgan are kept in a slave-caste, and are used to build the ships, towns, and various infrastructures belonging to a warlord's clan. Due to their extremely social nature and their general lack of ego, gorgan tend to accept their place in society and rarely up-rise against their leadership unless a stronger specimen has made a claim. Gorgan clans have an aggregate Bronze Age level of technical advancement (Tech Level 1), though those that dwell outside the clan structures live in Stone Age or animalistic conditions. Gorgan reproduce asexually, laying globs of gelatinous, spheroid eggs in densely insulated nests. Adolescence is a dangerous time for a gorgan, as only one in a 1,000 hatchlings will see maturity. Born with a thick layer of fur-like filaments, a mature gorgan slowly sheds these and molts as the carapace begins to form. Although distrustful of rival clans, the gorgan have shown themselves to be receptive to otherworldly visitors, several clans having established trade with Separatist mining operations and Zytari world-scouts. Step One: Attributes STR: +0 DEX: -3 BUL: +2 AGI: +0 END: -2 REA: -1 PER: +1 WIL: +0 CRE: +3 CHA: -2 Step Two: Locomotors Striding - The creature ambulates in the same way as a humanoid or flightless bird. -- No adjustment Step Three: Manipulators Tentacles - The creature possesses 4 sets of tentacles that may be used as manipulators as well as locomotors. -- Serpentine 1 and Tenacious 1 per tentacle used (Skill Ineptitude: Run 4 when used as locomotors) Tentacles - The creature possesses 5 sets of tentacles that may be used as manipulators as well as locomotors. -- Serpentine 1 and Tenacious 1 per tentacle used (Skill Ineptitude: Run 4 when used as locomotors) Step Four: Extra Adaptions Claws - The creature possesses sharp claws on their manipulators. Natural Weapon (Cutting) 4 Warlike - The creature's society is built on a history of endless battles and territorial dispute. -- Openness -1, Agreeableness -1, Neuroticism +1 Blubbery - The creature is insulated to survive harsh or very cold climates. -- BUL +1, AGI -1, Thermal Adaptation (Cold) 2, Tough 1 Carapace - The creature has thick chitinous plating covering its body. -- Natural Armor 5, Skill Inept (Contortion) 7 Attributes After Ability Adjustments STR: +0 DEX: -3 BUL: +3 AGI: -1 END: -2 REA: -1 PER: +1 WIL: +0 CRE: +3 CHA: -2 Step Five: Personalities O: +3 C: +1 E: +6 A: +0 N: -2 We've set up a Patreon page for anyone who's interested to help fund us so we can keep making free and open sourced games like Wayfarer Tactics. Check it out here. Enjoy!