25mm to XXmm Base Expanders

Prints (0)


Summary To rebase or not to rebase... I do not particularly like the look of gluing a smaller base on top of a larger base; even if you add scenic elements to hide the old base, the added height just doesn't look right (not to mention that changes the line of sight by an additional 3.5mm; although cover saves are now shorter by 3.5mm - lol) When you somehow managed to accumulate a bag of 400 or so older 25mm bases around it doesn't hurt to repurpose them to the slightly larger base size as needed - and the fancy, top/front heavy metal models appreciate the more stable base dimensions. These are beveled on the inside to fit the generic/Citadel/GW beveled bases. Print 2x for each base; prints in about 4-8 minutes (depending on which dimension you choose and your printer setting). Prints without support. Fits snuggly around the base of existing model to expand it to 32mm or 40mm. Includes a partially open (hit)marker ring for 25mm bases.

Design Files

File Size

32.4 KB
20.1 KB
19.8 KB
18.5 KB
35.4 KB
35.4 KB


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