iPhone 6 Plus Tentacle Stand

Prints (0)


Summary A four-tentacled stand for an iPhone 6 Plus. I printed it on a See Me CNC Orion with MatterControl and the default slicer (the other two slicers didn't deal well with the suckers and base). This maxed out the print area of my machine. Instructions This is based on an old Blender rigging demo of a tentacle (http://mirror.cs.umn.edu/blender.org/demo/test/Octopus.blend) duplicated 4 times and arranged around an iPhone 6-Plus model. Exported to STL, sliced in MatterControl and Slic3r. UPDATE: Reworked to reorient the tentacles and flatten the base. Also added some fill on the base for the phone to sit on after a careless placement sent the stand flying. Much more stable this way. New file is TentacleStand.base.stl sliced with MatterControl's build in slicer. There does appear to be a void where the tentacles meet and my limited blender skills haven't been able to get rid of. The blend is up as well if anyone wants to fix it.

Design Files

File Size

4.3 MB
4.29 MB


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