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Celebrate the life and music of one of the greatest rappers of all time with this stunning wall art featuring Biggie Smalls, also known as The Notorious B.I.G. Each piece is meticulously modeled in Fusion and expertly crafted to capture every detail of the rapper's iconic style.

Biggie Smalls was a true legend, breaking down barriers and redefining the sound of hip hop on the East Coast. This wall art is a tribute to his immense talent and his unapologetic spirit.

Hang this Biggie Smalls wall art in your home, and let it serve as a reminder of the rapper's incredible contribution to the world of music. Whether you're a fan of his early mixtapes or his later albums, this wall decor is a must-have for any Biggie Smalls enthusiast.

Bring a touch of Brooklyn's creative energy into your home with this beautiful tribute to The Notorious B.I.G.'s legacy. Order your Biggie Smalls wall art today and pay homage to one of the most important voices in the history of hip hop.

Note: This Biggie Smalls wall art is a fan-made tribute and is not affiliated with The Notorious B.I.G. or his record label.

Design Files

File Size

CE5E5_BiggieStencil v1.stl
711 KB
CE5E5_BiggieStencil v1.3mf
295 KB


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