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About the model: - High quality polygonal model, correctly scaled for an accurate representation of the original object. - This model was constructed with utmost care and attention to detail, with clean edge flow. (please check wireframe images). - Model is exported to Both smooth version and unsmooth version of non native formats. - Model is built to real-world scale. - System unit setup used- centimeter. - No Photoshop or compositing used, Product is ready to render. Just download and hit render. - Objects are organized by layers / groups. - Non-overlapping clean UV - Minimum 1000pix texture resolution used. - Textures are tileable - Its ready to multiply subdivision reasonably. - Colors can be easily modified. - Different parts of the model are named properly. 3ds Max models are grouped for easy selection. - No part-name confusion when importing several models into a scene. - No cleaning up necessary just drop your models into the scene and start rendering. - No additional plugin is needed to open the model.
File Formats: - 3ds Max 2013 V-Ray scene (native application) - OBJ (works with most 3D applications, if you are not using Native application ) - FBX Format - STL FILE FOR 3D PRINT