Prints (0)


Model dimensions:

- length - 282.4 mm

- width - 268.2 mm

- height - 170.7 mm


Inner elipse size:

- length - 225 mm

- width - 185 mm


The model consists of parts: body front part, body rear part, body side part 1, body side part 2.


During assembling use guiding metal rods with d=2 mm.


To be sure that the crown fits, print a Size sample instead of a crown, assemble and try on. Then you can determine how much the crown model should be scaled.

Design Files

File Size

Size sample.STL
1.92 MB
Crown - Body side part 2.STL
20.7 MB
Crown - Body side part 1.STL
20.7 MB
Crown - Body rear part.STL
20.5 MB
Crown - Body front part.STL
20.5 MB
82.2 MB
349 Bytes
28.5 MB
349 Bytes
28.5 MB


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