Mac Mini (2020) Wall Mount

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Simple Apple Mac Mini 2020 wall mount. I designed this because my poor Mac Mini was getting cluttered on the desktop to the point where I could not see it. I had made a rather lousy mount in the past that was just, well, lousy. Video comparison of the old vs. this one:

This design is not complicated, and it is not VESA compatible/compliant. It is meant for mounting on any wall that can handle the lightweight Mac Mini computer. It contains a total of 6 mounting holes, inline horizontally and vertically depending on what you might need. The holes are countersunk and are 6mm in diameter. I designed it so that it would be easy to mount on a stud, brace, or both. I would not recommend it for walls using thin wood panelling as the only support. There is a little bit of wiggle room between the computer the braces; about 1-2mm in size. This is by design so as to not scrape up the computer when sliding it in, as well as to allow room for sanding/painting/finishing if you choose to do so.

My basic settings:

.2mm or .28mm layer height

10% infill

2-4 walls/perimeters depending on your printer, same with top/bottom layers.

Supports: None if printed flat on back.

I printed mine using 3D Fuel PLA Pro Plus in Cobalt Blue

This model was designed in CAD so it is manifold in design, and it imports into slicers like Cura flat-side down.

The rest depends on your individual printing profiles and filament choices. I suppose it could be printed in resin, but I personally would save that for the more detailed stuff. This is my approach to a simple and effective yet good looking design that allows you to mount your computer on the wall and show off its natural beauty, as well as keep it from getting cluttered and/or buried on your desk.

I hope you like it!

Design Files

File Size

Simple Mac Mini Wall Mount.stl
1.37 MB


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