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Intended for 3d print.
A pack of shambling mummified undead.
This pack contains 13 different mummy bodies, and 3 different heads. The bodies all use the same basic pose (1930's horror movie), but with many variations in weaponry and dress. See the image gallery for a complete visual presentation of every model part. The pack also contains 4 different round bases, including a variety of crumbling columns.
Heads and bodies are printed as separate parts, as are the bases. So minor assembly (using glue) is required. You might try placing the head models in position on the body models in your slicer software prior to printing, if you prefer the models to be printed as one unified part. Note: This particular pack contains a couple of head variants wearing elaborate headcloth (nemes) and death masks. I couldn't quite make these work as separate model parts, so I've instead included a couple of models where body and head is unified into a single model.
Intended for print in 28mm scale or preferably slightly larger. Models may be too thin to be printed at scales smaller than 28mm. Models are packaged in .stl format. All models are prescaled to slightly larger than 28mm scale (around 40mm scale).
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me.
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