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I made these vacuum connectors for on my workbench in my workshop. They're designed so they can be printed without support, at least on my printer. The first design I made was with a torque spring, I did have some in my junk box, but I realized, they not easy to find and need to be ordered in most cases. So I changed it to a version where you can use a pull spring or even a rubber bands.
when you start to assemble DO NOT tighten the nuts to tight, everything has to move smoothly.
First I tried a rubber, but it was to hard, now I'm using a soft handicraft foam, thicknes is 4.7 mm THIS IS IMPORTANT, if the thickness you use is not the same, the lid will not close. If you have a thinner rubber or foam, just print a round disc to end up with right thickness 4.7mm. When you want to glue the rubber/foam to the lid, place the rubber/foam on the top of the connector, holding the lid. Use fast glue (not to much) and close the lid.
There are two sets of files, 45mm and 60mm adapter opening. The bottom part has a connection of 60mm for both. Dimensions for bolts guide wheel and bushing are the same for both dimensions.
The connector fits for a top thickness of 20mm to 45mm
I will post another "Thing" later with the different kind adapters I made to make the vacuum hoses fit. I will put them all in one post.
What do you need,
1 Nut with nylon insert M6 1 Bolt M6 x 40 2 Nut with nylon insert M3 1 Bolt M3 x 30 1 Bolt M3 x 35 4 Bolt flat tapered head M6 x 40 (depends on the thickness of your top) 4 Washer M6 4 Bolt M6 2 Springs 4,76 x 34mm (rubber bands will do also) 1 Foam or rubber with a thickness of exact 4.7mm 2 Guide wheels (print) 2 Bushings (print)
Comments, likes and makes always welcome
Happy Printing.